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Big Screen Messages

One area of dominion that often has been neglected by Christians is serious film making.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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The goal of the Great Commission is so comprehensive that all lawful areas of dominion must be pursued in order to fulfill its command. One area of dominion that often has been neglected by Christians is serious film making. This past week, I benefitted from two Christian movies where the message of Christian hope was effectively presented.

The first movie, To Save a Life, takes on the subject of teen suicide. Set within the context of a public school, the alienation and isolation of many of the students was successfully depicted. While the movie failed to show that the curriculum and worldview of the public schools significantly contributes to this malaise, it did show the difference that committed Christians could make who care to reach into the lives of those who hunger for the love of Christ.

The second movie, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, was more overt in its proclamation that we are all sinners in need of God’s gracious forgiveness. It was beautifully filmed and conveyed the message that people in every stage of life, regardless of their circumstances, are in need of Biblical salvation. By the time the movie ended, I was sad to leave the characters I came to enjoy.

I am convinced that God will use both films to further His Kingdom purposes. I believe that both will have the greatest impact on Christians who desire to share their faith and only need some larger than life examples showing them how. There were aspects of each film that I would have handled differently, and some theological points about which I could quibble. Yet, I walked away from both glad that these Christian filmmakers had put their faith into practice.

This Sunday at church, a young man of the congregation was walking up and down the fellowship area screaming aloud and expressing anger at the injustice in the world. I waited to see if someone would approach him to see what was wrong. No one did. Most were “politely” looking the other way as if to shield him from embarrassment. After having seen two films whose purpose was to encourage and exhort believers to put their faith into action, I could not be silent. I called to him and even though he shouted back that he did not want to talk, I pressed the point and got him to come back and talk with me. Before long, he was calm and sharing with me the reason he was upset. My husband joined us and before our conversation was over, we agreed to share some books and tapes that he might find helpful, and we exchanged contact information so that he could talk to my husband if ever he wished to talk. The three of us prayed together before we left and today I will be sending him some books and tapes to help him better understand God’s justice.

I hope that I would have intervened in this situation even if I had not heard some “movie” sermons earlier in the week. However, it is evident to me, that the Holy Spirit used the impact and message of both to propel me to address the hurting young man in front of me. As both films powerfully portrayed, you do not have to go looking for people to minister to. If you are available to God, He will bring them to you!