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The Chalcedon Foundation® is a Christian education organization devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be "reconstructed" according to God's revealed will in Scripture.

Christian Reconstruction: What Is It?

Christian Reconstruction is built on the idea that the first and most basic government is self-government, in terms of God's revealed will which is contained in His written laws within both Old and New Testaments. Salvation is more than delivering a sinner from eternal punishment. It is a restoration to obedience as Christians live out the law of God that is written upon their hearts and minds. [Check on the links below to get more insights in this very important topic.]

What Is Christian Reconstruction?

How Can a Christian Work to Reconstruct Society?  

Christian Reconstruction is Not a New Idea

Theonomy: What Is It?

Theonomy is the application of God’s law-word to every area of life and thought.  The answer to humanism and statism is Christian faith and liberty.  The Chalcedon Foundation® has an educational mission — to equip and empower Christians to apply their faith to every segment of their lives through the application of God’s Law (theonomy) in a deliberate and self-conscious manner.

What Is Theonomy?

Theonomy vs Tyranny


Since 1965, the Chalcedon Foundation® has existed solely by the financial gifts of its faithful supporters.

We do not receive money from state or federal governments nor from other foundations. It is the direct, tax-deductible gifts of Chalcedon's supporters that underwrites the full work of this ministry.

Support the Chalcedon Foundation

What Chalcedon does with your donations:



Since its inception, publishing has been the focus of the work of Chalcedon with certain titles playing a significant role in shaping Christian culture and thought since the 1960s. Chalcedon continues its aggressive publishing schedule through two publishing labels: Chalcedon/Ross Books—our academic, non-fiction publishing house producing numerous titles each year and Storehouse Press—our fiction label which publishes regular Christian fiction, such as the award-winning Bell Mountain Series by fantasy writer, Lee Duigon.

Martin conference


Conferences and informal gatherings remain an important aspect of the outreach of the Chalcedon Foundation®. Whether sponsoring our own events across the country, participating as keynote speakers at conferences, or hosting a book and resource booth at a Christian conference, we make engaging with people one on one a top priority. Many of our previous events are available for listening in our resource section or may be purchased through our online store.


Online Resources

In order to more effectively reach Christians around the world, we offer free access to most of our academic books online as well as thousands of recorded sermons and lectures.


Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute

Through the leadership and initiative of our resident Christian education advocate, Andrea Schwartz, Chalcedon is able to provide Christian women with one-on-one, and small group training geared towards equipping strong Christian families.


Men's Round Table Discussion

Underwriters (our regular financial supporters) have the opportunity to participate in an ongoing, weekly online discussion group, geared toward the practical application of God's law-word in their everyday life.


Our Founder

Rousas John Rushdoony (1916-2001) was a minister best known through his extensive literary output. His writings cover a broad spectrum of subjects because his belief was that every area of life and thought should be understood in terms of a world view that assumes God’s Word is both true and authoritative. He is best known for leadership role in Christian education (day and homeschool), his revival of theonomy (Biblical law), and Christian Reconstruction (a term he coined to denote a neglected aspect of the Christian responsibility and response to sin in the culture.)