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Subscribe Today to Chalcedon’s Monthly Publications—It’s a Great Way to Support This Ministry by Investing in You! Get our bi-monthly publications Arise & Build and the Chalcedon Report delivered to your home for one year. Can publications change the world? Consider the fact that since 1965, Chalcedon has gone from a small unknown ministry to having international influence by merely publishing and mailing editorial and news on the Christian Reconstructionist worldview.

Your subscription will include: Arise & Build a bi-monthly periodical featuring insightful articles for your edification. AND The Chalcedon Report a bi-monthly newsletter featuring ministry news, photos, updates, as well as articles along with a two-page letter from Chalcedon president, Mark Rushdoony. You’ll receive six issues per publication per year delivered on the alternate months.

Your subscription will include: Arise & Build a bi-monthly periodical featuring insightful articles for your edification. AND The Chalcedon Report a bi-monthly newsletter featuring ministry news, photos, updates, as well as articles along with a two-page letter from Chalcedon president, Mark Rushdoony. You’ll receive six issues per publication per year delivered on the alternate months.
Looking Back

October 1965
The first, in 1965 was merely called Newsletter with a sequential number. It was mimeographed and stapled.

April 1969
In 1969 the name Chalcedon Report was added.

April 1973
The first typeset Chalcedon Report.

November 1987
In 1987 we began publishing the Chalcedon Report in a magazine format.

July 1998
In 1998 we added a glossy color cover.

January 2005
In 2005 we changed the name of the magazine to Faith for All of Life and alternated bi-monthly with the Chalcedon Report which became more of what its name implies, a ministry update.

May 2018
In 2018, because of the rising cost of publishing, we reformatted again to Arise and Build, will alternate with the Chalcedon Report. The latter will continue as a means of ministry update and related items of work in the Kingdom we find of interest.

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