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Catechism Memorization in Action - Roger & Marcy Oliver in Puebla, Mexico

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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The following email is from an American missionary in Puebla, Mexico who, along with his wife, is spending his retirement years running a homeschool learning center where children come to learn how the Christian faith applies to all of life.

Recently, they conducted a school-wide catechism memorization contest to incentivize the children to learn the fundamentals of their faith. It was a great success and many of the parents reported learning as much as their children.


This morning the Jehovah's witnesses made their required visit in the neighborhood to win their salvation points. There is a JW church down the street. They visited the neighbors across the street. Later at breakfast in our house church the neighbor, Cristi, asked what they believe. Lolita, another neighbor, answered that among other things they don't believe in the Trinity or that Christ is God. Ximena, Christi's 9 year old daughter (the twins who live across the street) jumped right in and said she knew what she would say to them the next time they visit, question 6 of the Shorter Catechism. She quoted the question and the answer, and this without having taken any courses on how to witness to JW's. Shows the value of teaching children the catechism.

How many persons are there in the Godhead? There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

¿Cuántas personas hay in la Divinidad? Hay tres personas en la Divinidad, el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo, y estas tres personas son un solo Dios, las mismas en sustancia, e iguales en poder y gloria.

Thought you would appreciate that story. We were all very proud of her. She took the catechism beyond the contest and the repetition in class. And they say repetition and rote memory is old fashioned. A wise fellow once told me that repetition is the mother of skill. I think so.