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Crying Cause It Hurts

God intends for us to feel the grief of those families who wanted children that are no more, to convict us to abandon our relativism as a culture that says whether a child is wanted justifies his/her existence.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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From The Kingdom Driven Family Blog:

I recall many years ago, prior to my conversion,  sitting in my bedroom very sad that I had suffered an early miscarriage. I hadn’t taken a pregnancy test to confirm it, but I had suspected that I was pregnant. When my body went through the experience, it was obvious that something out of the ordinary was happening. My overwhelming grief, confirmed that this was more than my regular monthly occurrence, more than an instance of disappointment that my husband and I were not going to be parents.

However, there was irony in the moment when, sometime during the afternoon, a friend came to visit  and sat on the bed next to me. She had just returned from having an abortion. She was relieved, but had very obviously not been through a run-of-the-mill day. We both had experienced a loss, but our motives and reactions were quite different. This was over forty years ago and I remember a latent anger within me that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

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