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Fifth Monarchy Men

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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Recently I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of a young law student who is an avid Rushdoony fan and who is ready, eager, and willing to disseminate the perspectives of Christian Reconstruction. He wrote to me about the exploits he has shared with three fellow students as they unashamedly proclaim the crown rights of Jesus Christ:

There is a very interesting story about N.D. Last semester N.D. took an appellate advocacy course in which he had to argue the Pledge of Allegiance case in front of a panel of professors. I was there for a first year review and had the opportunity to sit in on many of the sessions. Student after student provided the same historical/democratic (humanist) argument that was presented in the Pledge case. When N.D. argued the case, he challenged the court by forcing the biblical antithesis. The panel of professors was taken back. They insisted that while his argumentation was correct from a legal and biblical perspective, he couldn't argue like that because he would only offend the Justices. N.D. pressed them to show him where his legal analysis was flawed, but they could not. In the end he was told that if he wanted to speak like the prophets of old, he would have to learn to suffer like the prophets of old. In effect he was told that the humanist sets the presupposition in the courtroom and he had been wrong for violating it. He received a much lower grade even though he had a far superior presentation and case from a legal and biblical perspective.

We are all committed to forcing the antitheses in the legal profession and in the world. When it comes to Crown Rights of King Jesus we are all loyalists. We love to meditate on the Law of the Lord and are dedicated to seeing it lifted up as the standard in our legal system.

Here is a young man, steeped in the biblically orthodox teaching of R. J. Rushdoony, who is willing to take a stand regardless of the consequences of those who suppose they have the power to determine his future. How prophetic were those professors comparing him to the prophets of old! As Rushdoony states in his commentary Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation, these four are Fifth Monarchy men (Daniel 2:34-35) -- those who, like Daniel and his three friends, are unwilling to bow the knee to any other than the triune God of Scripture. I have run into many such young men -- those ready and eager to understand how their faith translates to all areas of thinking and living. A number of them are graduating from high school this year. My present of choice: the three-volume set of Institutes of Biblical Law by Rushdoony. I figure it is a sound investment for the future and the Fifth Monarchy.