
Homeschooling through High School - Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I want to homeschool through high school?

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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Why would I want to homeschool through high school?
The book of Proverbs stresses the importance of wisdom, knowledge, and discretion. Throughout a young person's life, it is important that the primary influences be godly individuals who know the young person's strengths and weaknesses and can provide hands-on support in helping him/her maneuver through the many deceptions and lures of our modern humanistic culture. Homeschooling provides such a situation.

Aren't high school subjects harder to teach?
That depends. With a myriad of curriculum choices available (complete with teacher's editions and answer keys) much of the learning experience can be tailored to meet individual academic needs. Many families make use of co-ops where parents divide up subject matter according to their area of expertise or experience.

What about athletic opportunities and activities?
A number of private Christian schools allow homeschooled students to participate in athletic activities. Also, drama, speech, and other programs may also be available, either through a school or by way of a homeschooling co-op. Of course, if there is something that parents want that doesn't exist, they can always start a project themselves!

What about socialization?
This is a non-issue. In our current society, no one who attends church, goes to the grocery store, or is involved with extended family has any difficulty in socializing if they have been taught the rules of godly living from the time they were little. The entire socialization issue is a humanistic construct. Surely we can't say that the students who are graduates of public school settings are systematically socialized in ways that most people would consider positive.

Will homeschooling through high school hamper my child's chances of getting into college?
Not according to the experience of homeschooling families around the country. Many have attained very high SAT/ACT scores. Moreover, many college professors actually prefer homeschool graduates because they tend to be self-starters and ready for serious self-disciplined study. It is not unusual for homeschooled graduates to finish college is less than four years.

What should I be looking to achieve in my homeschool?
The most important result of successful homeschooling will be the production of godly individuals who look to the Word of God to provide a perspective and standard for what is right and true and honorable. With this orientation, all areas of life and thought can be groomed and educated to the glory of God

Can I tailor educational opportunities for my high-school age child?
Most definitely. The major advantage of homeschooling is that it allows you to spend extra time on those areas that need more personalized attention. Moreover, if your student has special giftings or talents, the flexibility of the schedule allows for greater concentration on the pursuit of excellence in that particular area.

How will I evaluate our progress?
Many homeschool publishers include tests as part of their curriculum choices. Standardized tests are available to monitor progress. However, the best indication of how well a student is learning is not in the answers they give, but in the questions they ask.

Are there people to help me as I get started?
Yes, there are a multitude of resources. A good place to start is Home School Legal Defense Association ( Spending time at this website, will give you many resources to check out and many links to pursue.

Where can I go for instruction as to how to be a good teacher?
There are a number of good resources for this. Much can be accomplished by making use of the teacher editions and guides that come with many courses. There are many homeschooling magazines and websites and support groups that offer seminars and newsletters to help you.

What resources are available?
Go to the internet and type in homeschooling and you will have many days of reading material. Videos are also available, as are books that can be found online and at many Christian bookstores and booksellers.

What are my options in setting a course of study?
Depending on what your student is interested in pursuing, you can make use of online courses, community college courses, DVD courses, audio CD courses, and many computer based ones. If your school will be college prep, you can find out what requirements have to be met (subjects covered) and tailor your curriculum accordingly.

Where does a Biblical Worldview enter the picture when it comes to homeschooling through high school?
This is probably the most important question. Since there is no neutrality when in comes to ethics and morality, it is vital that a biblical worldview is presented in every subject taught. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and His law-word must be the standard by which all areas of life and thought are judged. Browsing through the offerings @ is a good place to find helpful materials and resources.