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Informed Choices

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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Tough economic times cause people to make choices. Families that take regular vacations or frequent restaurants look for respite in other activities. There are varieties of righteous options that do not compromise the moral and ethical standards of Christianity.

Sometimes, the choices that are presented by a culture at war with God are not really choices at all. An example would be the options given young women in dealing with unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Rather than encourage the most basic and foolproof method -- abstinence until marriage – society offers “solutions” to these “problems” which include over the counter medications, various devices and vaccinations, and surgical murder. Like I said, not a good choice in the lot.

Cultural assaults begin even earlier when the fashion industry becomes an accomplice in the moral degradation of young girls and women. It is no accident that it is nearly impossible to find clothing that does not entice or provoke sexual response. Either the neckline is so plunged as to make imagination impossible, or the bottom of the top is significantly separated from the skirt or slacks to draw attention to this portion of a woman’s anatomy. The clothing selections in major department stores are deliberately abysmal so that one’s standards must be compromised if one is going to purchase anything. Is it any wonder that as a society we are seeing an ever-increasing number of families and individuals torn apart by pornography, promiscuity, and all sorts of perversion? What would have been categorized as degradation and humiliation in decades past, has now become fashionable.

This is another arena where Christians can reclaim and reconstruct the culture. In the entrepreneurial spirit outlined in Proverbs 31, worthy women can provide godly choices for their sisters in the faith. There are many possibilities, whether creating patterns that are easy to follow while being attractive and economical, or setting up shop and making custom clothing. IF Christians are willing to be both the proprietors and the customers, new cottage industries could spring up. Sewing and tailoring would become more than hobbies or family necessities, they could become a means by which we provide godly alternatives in the midst of a sea of poison.

I know women are out there with an eye for fashion. I also know that there are those who have talent in marketing and advertising. Further, there are those with capital looking for businesses to invest in that seek to honor God and keep His commandments. In these uncertain times, domestic skills like sewing and design should be included in any serious curriculum.