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Still the Right Thing to Do

I began to evaluate what I might have done differently in my life that would not have led to the hardships I watched my family endure. I found that at each critical juncture, I could not escape the clear-cut choice between right and wrong.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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One of the best parts of interacting with like-minded believers on a regular basis is getting to know the particulars of how the Lord transformed and continues to transform their lives. One such interaction impressed me with the steadfastness of Craig Mutton, a brother in Christ.

The Backstory

"In the spring of 1983, Laura (my wife) and I took a stand against contemporary "Christian" music in our church that culminated in their firing us as teachers in the church's day school. A particularly hard year followed, at least partly because most job applications ask if you have ever been fired; honesty required that I answer "yes". It did not help that someone started the slanderous rumor that I had been trying to recruit students into demon worship.

"Consequently, for the next year, I worked a security job for minimum wage -- only two six-hour shifts a week. I occasionally picked up extra hours working vacations and holidays, and in the fall, I picked apples at a local orchard.

"One night, between rounds at work, I began to evaluate what I might have done differently in my life that would not have led to the hardships I watched my family endure. I found that at each critical juncture, I could not escape the clear-cut choice between right and wrong. I took a piece of scratch paper and began to express, out of sheer brokenness, what it meant to me to follow the Lord, regardless of cost. When I got home and showed it to Laura, she thought it worth keeping and sharing. 

"Now three-and-a-half decades later, I share with you his poem."

"The Right Thing to Do"

When you are all alone, and no one sees you but God,   
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
When you think you can do wrong, and no one will ever know,
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
When the whole world marches to the jazzed-up beat of the devil’s drum,    
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
When the choice is between doing wrong and suffering personal loss,
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
When the temptation comes to do wrong in order to preserve your good name,
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
When the right choice may threaten the loss of friend, job, loved one, security, or even life itself,
Doing right is still the right thing to do. 
Some people say that life is a gamble. If that is so, I want to place my bet -- I will risk it all on the bet that all the pain, suffering, rejection, criticism, poverty and persecution that I may endure for my Savior will evaporate in the warmth of one “Well done!”

Then may we see that doing right was not just the right thing to do, but the only thing to do.

By Craig Mutton

The Challenge

May we all be found faithful to hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21)