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The Future of Christian Education and Why It Matters

We look forward to making a concerted effort to bolster the ranks of homeschooling and the formation and maintaining of faithful Christian schools.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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R.J. Rushdoony couldn’t have been more direct or forceful in his perspective that Christian Education would command the future. In the mid to late sixties he convincingly made the case that Christian children should be educated as Christians. His writing efforts (The Messianic Character of American Education, Intellectual Schizophrenia, and The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum) spurred the growth of the Christian school and homeschooling movements. 

On August 10–11, Chalcedon will be participating in the Northern California Christian Reconstrcution Meetup, co-sponsored by St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Los Altos, CA. Dr. Rushdoony played an instrumental role in the formation of this congregation almost fifty years ago, and greatly influenced their mission work of beginning a grammar school, Canterbury Christian School. How appropriate that this is the location where this gathering will take place. Friday includes an informal reception -- a meet and greet time -- for those who may be arriving from out of the area. The topic for the Saturday session is The Future of Christian Education and Why It Matters. I will be among the featured speakers along with Chalcedon president, Mark Rushdoony, and St. Paul’s rector and the school’s headmaster, Steve Macias.

The faithful Christian day school and the faithful Christian homeschool have more in common than is routinely realized.  Over the years, there have been attempts to place these groups at odds with each other. Not only should there be an active alliance with both groups, but even Christians who don’t have school-aged children have a vested “Kingdom interest” in making sure both succeed.  These are the subjects that will be discussed. 

If you live in Northern California, and are driving distance away, I encourage you to attend. You can find the details here for times and location. And, if you live out of the area and you decide you would like to join us, airports are easily accessible to the venue.

Your R.S.V.P. should be sent to [email protected]. Since lunch will be provided, a head count by August 5 is appreciated.

With the anti-Christian culture rearing its head on a regular and steady basis, we look forward to making a concerted effort to bolster the ranks of homeschooling and the formation and maintaining of faithful Christian schools.