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For mothers who have had an active role in their children’s lives, it is sometimes difficult to move from a mother/child relationship governed by obedience, respect, and love to a mother/adult child relationship governed by honor coupled with mutual respect and love. But, this transition begins long before one’s children are

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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I have seen my youngest daughter perform in piano and dance recitals, sing in choirs and as a soloist, participate in golf tournaments and play in basketball games. I have witnessed her relate to children and adults with equal poise and deportment.  I am very proud of her accomplishments and am amazed at the grace she exudes. But, today 18 ½ years into her life, I experienced an even greater sense of satisfaction and achievement as her mom. Today, I waved goodbye to my girl as she left the house to attend the birth of our friends’ twin girls.

She prepared for this day by reading books and watching videos. She had been sleeping with her cell phone near her bed to be ready for the call she knew would eventually come. When she came into my bedroom just before 7:00 a.m. to let me know she was heading to the hospital, I had the distinct sense that, as her mom, I was in a process of transition with my daughter.  Here she was beginning a season of her life that would involve putting her Christian training and worldview into practice while interacting with families at a very important time in their lives.  How blessed I am that I get to witness this. 

Many people attempt to rush the process of their children growing up, while just as many try to delay it beyond sound judgment.  For mothers who have had an active role in their children’s lives, it is sometimes difficult to move from a mother/child relationship  governed by obedience, respect, and love to a mother/adult child relationship governed by honor coupled with mutual respect and love.  But, this transition begins long before one’s children are grown.  This process should permeate the family and homeschool environment.  As those who have been privileged to steward these precious lives, we should be preparing for the day when our mature children hear God’s call and respond in faithfulness. 

When Dorothy returned from the birth, she was kind enough to share the experience with me. Watching her confidence and maturity as she discussed her impressions and emotions made me appreciate all the years I’ve spent getting to know this young woman.