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What’s in Your Library?

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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There is a commercial for a well-known credit card company that asks, what’s in your wallet? As someone who exhorts and encourages homeschooling families I ask, what’s in your library? The books and materials that you and your students have at your disposal will be instrumental in shaping the sort of education that emerges from your homeschool.

I have made it a practice over the years to purchase books, CD lectures, and DVDs for our library. Some I devour immediately, others get a quick perusal before finding their home on our bookshelf, while others go right to a designated slot in the library for future use. I keep my sensors up for subject matter and material that will be useful in the application of the Christian faith to all of life.

Just today as I was reading one of my daily emails from an organization I respect, mention was made of a book that I purchased over 5 years ago and never explored. The article was pointing out the current Marxist overtones and undertones of our present political scene. I took a short stroll down the hall and made my morning reading the introduction to The Black Book of Communism. My reasoning in purchasing the book years earlier proved beneficial today. Now, when I am eager to pursue this subject matter fully, the book is there, ready to read. (Today I would be hard-pressed to find this book at my local public library!)

In order for Christians to be ready to lead and guide when the humanistic house of cards falls, we need to be well versed in the law-word of God. We need to be very capable of teaching and educating those seeking insight about the propsoed political, social, and economic solutions of our day, with the perspective as to how they conform to or defy Biblical standards and practices.

What’s in your library?