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Why You Need "Good Morning, Friends" for Family Devotions

These transcripted, radio broadcasts began the year I was born! Now six decades later, I continue to benefit from Rushdoony’s inspired insights and teaching.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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Anyone who has known me for even a short amount of time knows that I am an avid reader of R. J. Rushdoony’s books and essays. I have read almost everything he has written and my teaching has focused on his first volume of The Institutes of Biblical Law.

 Truth be told, when I first began reading his material in the mid-eighties, I struggled. Not because his writing was obtuse, but because I was. Being recently converted, I was not used to reading  such in depth, yet practical material. Nor was I encouraged to read such material by pastors.  In fact, I had to read Rushdoony in small doses because—if I did not—my thoughts would be on earlier paragraphs while reading ones on the following pages.

 By the time we acquired his lectures, I found another way to grasp his thinking. My family and I visited the  Chalcedon Chapel any chance we could. While there with Rush and Dorothy,  I could ask questions and follow up for more clarification.

 Back then, I did not know  that there was a series of radio broadcasts Rush had recorded thirty years prior that served as a most profitable introduction to his Biblical worldview. Only recently have these become available under the title Good Morning, Friends. While the first volume   has already been published, there are two more volumes that will be available in 2018—one early in the year and, with enough funding, a second before year’s end.

 This is now my “go to” book when I want to introduce family, friends, and women I mentor to a solid foundation of Biblical thinking. Oh, if only I had had this at my disposal during the years I was teaching my children the basics of the Christian faith! Do not get me wrong, I managed to teach them, but  Dr. Rushdoony lays out the foundational doctrines of the faith in a  very readable style while being very orthodox. My husband and I have been using volume 1 as our daily devotional and are often left with open mouths as we deal with the truths conveyed. These transcripted, radio broadcasts began the year I was born! Now six decades later, I continue to benefit from Rushdoony’s inspired insights and teaching.

So, here is my advice to all families. Read Good Morning, Friends for your family devotions and spend time asking your children for questions, feedback, and understanding as you go. This primer to the Christian faith will serve you and your children in good stead. And, let me recommend you do what I have done: purchase multiple copies and make them among the most valuable gifts you can give!