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A Review of Discovering Jesus in Genesis

This devotional book for children ages 4-8 is unique when compared with other devotional books for this age group.

  • Byron Snapp
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This devotional book for children ages 4-8 is unique when compared with other devotional books for this age group. The authors introduce and explain Biblical faith as it works itself out in the lives of two covenant youth, Caleb and Cassie, and their friends. The two main characters must wrestle with sin in their lives and learn how to live out their faith evangelistically when some non-Christian youth, displaced by a broken home, move in across the street.

The authors seek to incorporate a God-centered, covenantal approach in all areas of life. Their story line shows how such faith works itself out daily in the midst of trial and triumph.

The real-life events they include are credible, as are the children's responses or lack thereof. The young children have to learn how to handle a “No” from a parent even in the midst of peer pressure, how to deal with sibling relationships, and how to worship God.

The chapters are four to five pages in length. Each chapter concludes with several questions in a “Let's Talk” section. This section also includes a short Scripture passage to memorize and a topic for prayer.

The “Let's Talk” section is a particular bonus for parents who need help in developing questions on the topic discussed during devotional time. Such family questioning is important to encourage good listening. It also provides a way for all family members to be involved in the discussion process. Each member realizes that family devotions are not just for children or just for adults but for everyone.

The authors include humor as the story develops. This reinforces that Christians young and old can laugh and enjoy life.

This volume is a worthwhile addition to the devotionals available for parents to use with their children. It consistently keeps one's attention focused on God and His covenant with His people. The topics and questions provide valuable help in developing covenantal thinking in daily life.

  • Byron Snapp

Byron Snapp is a graduate of King College (B.A.) and Reformed Theological Seminary (M.Div.). He was Associate Pastor at Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church, Hampton, Virginia, from 1994 until his retirement in December 2014. He is a native of Marion, Virginia.  He has had pastorates in Leakesville, Mississippi, and Gaffney, South Carolina.  He served as Assistant Pastor in Cedar Bluff, Virginia prior to his ministry at Calvary Reformed. He has served as editor of the Presbyterian Witness and was a contributor to A Comprehensive Faith and Election Day Sermons. He is currently a member of Westminster Presbytery in the PCA. He and his wife Janey have 3 children and several grandchildren. 

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