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A Review of Erring: A Post Modern A/Theology

  • Forrest W. Schultz
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Deconstructionist Theology and the Van Til Perspective

For anyone committed to the Van Til perspective, this book should prove to be quite interesting because Taylor clearly recognizes the philosophical significance of the deconstruction of theology which he advocates.

Like the late Professor Cornelius Van Til, Taylor recognizes the important principle that those who reject God are still dependent upon God and therefore operate as "parasites", i.e., they cannot say anything without presupposing the framework of meaning which comes from Biblical theology. Taylor nonetheless advocates this parasitic activity, this destroying from within, this "deconstruction." Also like Van Til, Taylor realizes that this "death of God" activity leads to the "death of man": if God is not presupposed, then there is no real truth, no real meaning, no real right and wrong, etc. Also, like Van Til, Taylor recognizes the fact that humanistic atheists have ascribed to man the attributes traditionally ascribed to God — autonomy.

In spite of his attainment of what Van Til calls epistemological selfconsciousness, Taylor sticks to his anti-theistic position although he clearly recognizes that it will get him nowhere, that all he can do is just wander around. The word "erring" in the title of his book means "wandering," and is taken from the Latin verb errare, to wander.

In spite of (or because of ??) all this, Taylor writes in a jocular, witty manner. His mood is always upbeat: I cannot recall him ever expressing rage or despair or anxiety or a sense of futility. I am not sure if this should be regarded as "gallows humor" or what. Read it and decide for yourself.

I regard Mark Taylor as important because he is one of the few thinkers outside of the Van Tilians who realizes the philosophical implications of rebelling against God.

  • Forrest W. Schultz

Forrest W. Schultz has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University.

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