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Magazine Article

Brian Abshire: Emerging Christian Reconstructionist Leader

It's about time somebody verified publicly the excited whisperings in the Christian Reconstructionist world.

  • P. Andrew Sandlin
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It's about time somebody verified publicly the excited whisperings in the Christian Reconstructionist world. It is generally recognized that Brian Abshire, frequent Chalcedon contributor, is a rapidly emerging Christian Reconstructionist leader destined to play an indispensable role in Chalcedon's reconstructive task as we enter the next century. We may as well state publicly what almost everyone knows: Brian Abshire is a mighty warrior for the Faith poised to do exploits for Christ the King.

Abshire is currently a staunch Presbyterian pastor, leading his congregation (Lakeside PCA in Milwaukee) in applying the Faith in family and community. His December, 1996 article in the Chalcedon Report describes extensively the comprehensive Christian vision and practice of the congregation.

Abshire's genius transcends the intellectual. I once told him, "Brains are a dime a dozen, though you certainly have them; but intellect with Christian wisdom and pastoral sense now there's a rare quality you possess." Abshire's mental gifts are almost self-evident. The veteran of several colleges and seminaries, including doctoral work in England, he will soon complete his Ph.D. dissertation in the field of sociology of religion. It is titled "Theology of Social Philosophy: The Significant Contributions of Puritan Theonomic Theology to the Development of Distinctive American Cultural Values" (to be published by Ross House Books). In addition, Chalcedon will soon publish three important essays of his in its pathbreaking Chalcedon Monograph Series. His writings will help to shape the Christian Reconstructionist landscape in the next millennium.

But Abshire is more than a scholar much more; he brings to Christian Reconstruction a pastoral element too often missing from many professed Christian Reconstructionists over the last fifteen years or so. It is this balance of qualities that is distinctive; it mixes in a realistic practicality that flawlessly weds theological theory to daily practice. His is no arcane, egg-headed Faith designed to impress the ivory-towered literati. It is a vigorous interpretation and application of the historic Christian religion intensely relevant to the modern world. It involves reconstructing everything from the family to the church to the Internet to hunting.

In fact, I suspect that Abshire will soon earn the title "Pastor of the Christian Reconstruction Movement." His heart-felt shepherd's wisdom and empathy coupled with profound theological astuteness qualify him as a leader among men, far superior to the merely mentally gifted whose character flaws often render them not only ineffectual in, but often detrimental to, the kingdom's work.

Dr. Rushdoony and I, in addition, were talking recently about another impressive trait of Abshire's: an utter single-mindedness of life and purpose, a heart given unreservedly to God and his law-word, to historic orthodoxy, confessional Calvinism, and the extension of Christ's earthly kingdom. In an era of religious and ecclesiastical vacillation and vacillators that paralyze godly action, Abshire's refreshing single-mindedness equips him for whole-hearted obedience, world-conquering exploits for the King.

Abshire is already solidly aligned with Chalcedon as a board member and scholar. He will play an increasingly active role in the future.

Rousas John Rushdoony has brilliantly and methodically laid the conceptual and practical groundwork for the re-Christianization of modern life. Rushdoony's disciples are solemnly charged with the task of erecting on that foundation an impregnable superstructure of Christian civilization springing from Biblical law.

By God's grace, for the next forty years Brian Abshire will be a key figure in that momentous but exciting task.

  • P. Andrew Sandlin

P. Andrew Sandlin is a Christian minister, theologian, and author.  He is the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, California.  He was formerly president of the National Reform Association and executive vice president of the Chalcedon Foundation.  He is a minister in the Fellowship of Mere Christianity.. He was formerly a pastor at Church of the Word in Painesville, Ohio (1984-1995) and Cornerstone Bible Church in Scotts Valley, California (2004-2014).

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