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Christian Patriotism?

  • Chalcedon
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The atrocities of September 11 have reinvigorated an age-old question: can Christians be patriots, and if so, what kind, and to what degree?

The passionate and tearful flag-waving in tandem with the revival of patriotic songs about the good ole US of A (most verses are conspicuously left unsung) is unsettling to many devout Christians, and ridiculed by the Far Left and many anarcho-capitalists, a curious co-belligerency indeed.

Presbyterian pastor Steve Wilkins, an articulate and astute observer of the current scene, has written in an essay "The Danger of False Patriotism":

True patriotism is fine, fanatical patriotism is not. Nationalism of the sort we have witnessed over the last few weeks is nothing but idolatry and God will judge it as He does all other idols.... Mindless patriotism is a destructive force. It is the sworn enemy of biblical Christianity. To serve the Lord above the country is then viewed by the nationalist as blasphemy and treason. We are clearly headed in this direction.

This is a warning that we must hear - and heed. When Jesus was asked whether it were lawful to pay taxes to the idolatrous Roman Empire, He replied: "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mark 12:17). In other words, each - God and the civil magistrate (the state) - has his rightful due. We are always obligated to God first, but we are also obligated to the civil government, even an evil one; and the Roman Empire certainly was evil. If there is a conflict between the stipulations that God and the civil government impose, the early Christians knew Who had unquestionable precedence: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). God comes first, and we obey the civil magistrate when he does not conflict with what God requires of us in His Word, the Bible.

What is Patriotism?

What is Patriotism? Where does this leave patriotism? It all depends. If patriotism is love of one's country, it depends on the nature of that country. Most nations today are tied to a land and a race, though somewhat less so than 100 years ago. This is true of Europe and Asia. Patriotism is bound up in "blood and soil." Italians, Russians, Chinese, and Indians love their nation, its race(s), its location, its land, and its history. If they are Christians, they can legitimately appreciate the providence of God in their nation's history and admire their nation to the extent that it follows - or followed - God's truth.

Compounding matters, however, is the fact that most nations are tied up intimately with civil governments (though it doesn't have to be this way): to speak of the nation of France implies not just the French people, but the political state that governs French territory. This is the problem of patriotism. You love your country, but you may just mistrust your government. Still, you can love and appreciate your country and its heritage as a precious gift from God.

This is true even of Christian citizens in very evil regimes. Christian North Koreans can be patriotic, even though they despise their atheistic, idolatrous civil government. Korea has a great heritage and great customs and many great people. Christian North Koreans can be patriotic on that basis, if no other.

Our Unique United States

Now the United States poses a unique problem. It does not easily follow the pattern of nations noted above. Blood and soil mean much less here than ideas. Not race or place, but ideas, have always been at the root of what it means to be an American.

In this, it is helpful to note a striking Biblical teaching:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.... (1 Timothy 2:1-3)

This Bible text does not prescribe the ideal civil government, but the minimal features of a civil government acceptable to Christians committed to living and spreading their Faith.

It means: pray that the civil magistrate leaves you alone so you can train your children in the Faith and you can live to please God and churches can preach the gospel. When Paul wrote this, the despotic Roman Empire was not in the habit of acting so honorably, and it got worse as time went by. So our Christian forebears in the early church sorely needed this prayer.

But the United States is a very different case. The U. S., it just so happens, was founded largely to fulfil just the sort of pro-liberty, non-interventionist role the Bible envisions. The founders, whatever their flaws, were to the man, dogged defenders of religious liberty. Most were professing Christians. This is why they did not establish a national church - they did not want to disturb the various states' established Christian churches. This is why they produced a federal Constitution, which elaborately checked sinful men's insatiable lust for power, including the sinners who happened to be politicians. This is why they drafted a Bill of Rights, which jealously guarded religious liberty. This is why they wrote that one of the nation's great objectives is "to provide for the common defense." As Eric Hoffer once said, this nation was founded by people who basically wanted to be left alone. This just happens to be the sort of civil government the Bible demands we pray for.

The Great American Experiment

We live in a truly amazing - and wildly successful - experiment in civil government that carried on many of the best features of the Christian commonwealth idea of medieval and Reformation Europe - and jettisoned most of their worst features. Ours is a Constitutional democracy. We believe in a federal expression of majority rule that is hedged in by the guarantees of a constitution that is very hard to change. This allows for peaceful dissent. We have a republic, not a direct democracy. We don't trust fickle majorities any more than we trust fickle kings and aristocrats. We elect representatives who vote on major issues facing the nation, and we can vote them out of office. This means that, unlike many other countries even today, we don't need a blood-bathing military coup every time we need political change. We can have peaceful political revolutions. We enjoy wide freedom of religion and freedom of the press. If you think we don't, try living in Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China or Iraq for a while.

As Christians, all this means that it's likely that the civil magistrate will leave us alone to believe and practice our Faith, the very thing that the Bible says we should be praying for in a civil magistrate. Sure, there's some encroachment on our liberties, and we should be vigilant in protecting them. But we have a great Constitution that we can resort to in cases of grievance, and a political system that gives recourse to those dissatisfied with the status quo.

This is why an American Christian may - and in my view, must - be a patriot.

Christian patriotism in the United States is necessary because it cultivates and defends the sort of minimal civil government that the Bible requires. We are patriots not because we have a love affair with the United States as such; we are patriots because the principles on which the nation were founded allow Christianity to flourish.

The United States is first about ideas, and those ideas are, for the most part, Christian ideas. On this basis, we can join the flag-waving.

This surely does not pre-commit us to any action the civil government may take. It pre-commits us to the form of government that protects the liberties of Christians (and others) and stays out of everybody's way. The great thing about the United States is that you can loudly criticize Bill Clinton and George W. Bush and still be a great patriotic American. You can hate abortion and pornography and homosexuality and Hollywood and public education and racism and materialism and Darwinism while wildly waving the Stars and Stripes.

Christians should defend the nation that defends Christians' liberty to embrace and propagate their Faith. If that nation is their own, they should be doubly defensive - and grateful.

Hand me another flag.