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Female Clergy Gospeling an Unbiblical "Gospel"

Dagmar Braun Celeste is the ex-wife of former Governor Richard Celeste. Further, she was the only American among seven females who were pronounced priests.

  • J. Grant Swank, Jr.
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Dagmar wanted to be a Roman Catholic priest. So she got ordained on a boat on the Danube River between Austria and Germany. Bishops Romolo Braschi of Argentina and Rafael Regelsberger of Austria performed the June 29 ceremony.

Now what makes Dagmar special?

Dagmar Braun Celeste is the ex-wife of former Governor Richard Celeste. Further, she was the only American among seven females who were pronounced priests by the two males.

Vatican was not pleased. So Dagmar was excommunicated, along with the other females, on August 5. Further, they had been mandated to renounce their posts by July 25 but refused to do so. Ex-priest(ess) (?) Dagmar revealed this detail on October 22.

When did Celeste conclude that she was meant to be a clergyfemale? She told reporters that she considered the possibility after her 1995 divorce from her husband of 33 years, who served Ohio as governor from 1983 to 1991.

What chiefly concerns me is whether God has anything to do with these ordinations. It seems that the bottom line here is that one should be called by the divine into His work.

A lot of dumb stuff is going on with some of these latter-day female clergy coming out of the woodwork.

For instance, in one parish with which I am very well acquainted, the female pastor told me she merely wanted a change in career now she turned 50. So with that she opted for the Christian ministry, not having a clue about Scripture nor Christian theology. Some are suspicious that her secular feminist clergyfemale at the home church urged her to make the shift. So she went for it.

Now what gave her away as somewhat unqualified for the pastoral position was when she informed a Bible study leader within her congregation that she, the pastor, should attend those classes. She nonchalantly confessed, "I don't really know that much about the Bible!"

Like, Dah!

Her Sunday sermons were replete with cute stories but they gave forth zero when it came to understanding Bible and Christian doctrine. Finally the parishioners had had enough and so presented her recently with severance pay.

Wise laity. May their numbers increase.

Scores of us are disgusted with secular feminists who are flooding pulpits with their left-wing political agendas rather than declaring a simple Biblical gospel. These spokesfemales are championing everything from anti-male propaganda to lesbianism, abortion, to transgenderism.

These females-in-clerical-garb are not of God. They are of the enemy and therefore will answer to the One who is in charge of His church. In the meantime, why are they not answering to a Biblically knowledgeable congregation by never being hired in the first place?

  • J. Grant Swank, Jr.
More by J. Grant Swank, Jr.