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R. J. Rushdoony's Influence on our Church

R. J. Rushdoony's influence was substantial. He was a key figure in reopening the six-day creation discussion; the renewal of Christian education was inspired by his writing and support; and his Institutes of Biblical Law was a key tool in bringing the church back to the grace of God's law-word. Influence in any one of these areas would have been noteworthy. To have been keenly involved in all three is remarkable.

  • Tom Clark
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! (Isaiah 52:7)

R. J. Rushdoony's influence was substantial. He was a key figure in reopening the six-day creation discussion; the renewal of Christian education was inspired by his writing and support; and his Institutes of Biblical Law was a key tool in bringing the church back to the grace of God's law-word. Influence in any one of these areas would have been noteworthy. To have been keenly involved in all three is remarkable.

The influence Rushdoony had on Tri-City Covenant Church and Tri-City Christian Academy in Somersworth, New Hampshire is minor when compared with his many great accomplishments, but it is substantial to all of us who have been blessed by his instruction.

Rushdoony's critics often missed an important aspect of his message the liberation and release it offered to individuals and churches. Before Institutes of Biblical Law, our church members individually and corporately were in bondage to sin and blind to our condition. Enslaved, but thinking we were free. Then came good tidings.

Through the encouragement of Dr. Ellsworth McIntyre and the preaching of Institutes by Rev. Ronald C. Welch, we first heard the good tidings of peace, liberty, and "thy God reigneth." The antinomian community, which was exposed by Rushdoony's work, claimed his theology harsh and oppressive, but those who embraced its message experienced a different result. A complete Bible, vocational relevance, and appreciation for family were just a few of the liberating rewards we've enjoyed.

In Isaiah 52 the messenger of God brought good tidings to a people in bondage. So it was when God's messenger Dr. Rushdoony brought to us the full gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. We know that our testimony is only one of many, but we are forever grateful that R. J. Rushdoony influenced our lives. We hope to show our gratitude by building upon the foundation he has given us. May his diligent labors bear much fruit in the years ahead.