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Runway to Life

  • Linda Hoffman
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"But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, and a good conscience and a sincere faith." (1 Tim. 1:5)

It's hard to see inside the airport from the window of the airplane…yet each time I've left the runway I can see her face clearly. My mom has had the experience all too many times of standing at an airport window watching as her daughter and her family taxi down the runway…and lift off into the sky.

I picture her standing behind me, watching, praying, with empty hands and an aching heart. The further away I am, the smaller she appears…until she's out of sight.

In many ways, I see my parenting as preparing a runway for my children. God has not given me these precious little ones to have in my possession forever. I have, however, been blessed with the holy privilege of loving them, raising them, teaching them, and preparing them for their future with our Lord.

We start with raw land and must prepare it in such a way that in the future, they will be able to taxi down a long smooth runway in which to fly off to their destination. It's necessary for the runway to be cleared of all rocks and debris that may have been there at one time. There must be markings painted permanently on the pavement for them to follow…and they must be taught what they mean and the importance of following them.

It's up to us how we choose to prepare the way for them now…that's what determines their passage to their future. The time we spend on the runway…every detail we perfect builds into what our children will become.

My mom's face represents the emotions of letting go. I know there will be a day when my husband and I will be standing on the runway as we watch each of our children soar up into the sky for the first time…and although I will weep, I pray that we will rejoice as we see that our children have grown into adults.

Our main goal is to teach our children about their awesome God, and that He controls the watchtower…He's always there to lead them.

He knows the timing…He knows when the sky is clear, and it's time to fly.