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Suckling of El Shaddai

  • Walter Skold
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Author's Note: I wrote it as an advent gift to Jesus, and for instruction for my children about the Incarnate One! Each line is accompanied by a verse from both the Old and New Testament to show that the character, accomplishments and Divine nature of Christ are the center of biblical revelation and the Yes and Amen of all prophecies. It has 50 lines so that two lines per day, equalling 4 Scriptures, could be studied each day of Advent (for those who follow that).

"The hint half guessed, the gift half understood" — TS Eliot
The Milky Way Maker on Miriam's breast Gen 1:14 18 1 Tim 3:16a
The worker of miracles coming to bless Is 61:1 4 Acts 10:38
The Child born inside a cave Is 9:6a Luke 2:7
The Second Adam come to save 1Cor 15:45-49 Luke 4:38
The Arm thrust forth from Virgin's womb Is 53:1 Matt 1:22 3
The Finger marking Satan's doom Dan 5:5 6 John 12: 8
The Promised Gift who gave Himself Gen 12:3 John 3:16
The Pledge fulfilled upon His oath Gen 22:16-18 Heb 6:13-17
The Light that makes the darkness blind Is 9:2 John 1:5
Eternity clothed in tents of time Micah 5:2b John 1:14
The Prophet from the House "Le Hem" Deut 18:15-19 Matt2:4 6
The Shoot that sprung from Jesse's stem Is 11:1 Matt 1:6
The Root of David and his son Is 53:2 Rev 5:5
The Bow whose battle will be won Zech 10:4 Matt 28:18-19
The Morning Star from ancient days Num 24:17 Rev 22:16
The Branch who reigns in wondrous praise Is 4:2 Eph 1:6,12
The Sower's and The Woman's Seed Mark 4:3 Gen 3:15
A broken Twig for broken reeds Is 42:3 Heb 2:16-7
The Yes Amen who brings increase 2 Cor 1:19-21 Is 9:7
The Prince who gives His people peace Is 9:6b John 20:21
The Name who rides the clouds above Is 30:27-8 Mark 13:26
A Man whose robes were dipped in blood Is 63:1-3 Rev 9:13
The Judge descending into jail Dan 4:17, 34 Phil 2:6
The One whose Law will never fail Is 42:1 Phil 2:7 8
The Sovereign King who bowed to earth Micah 4:1 3 Eph 4:8 10
A Servant born to bring new birth Is 51:4-5 Heb 6:18-19
The Ruler riding a lowly ass Jer 30:21 John 12:14-6
The Crown displayed with golden sash Rev 1:13,15 Ps 110:1 3
Jehovah Nissi now unfurled— Is 11:10 Rev 19:16
Messiah come to rule the world! Dan 7:13-4 Mark 14:61-2
The Word announced in prophecy's pen Luke 24:25-7 2 Peter 1:19-21
The Glory marred by violent men Haggai 2:7 Matt 27:27-31
The Righteous One becoming sin Jer 23:5-6 2 Cor 5:2
The Fountain cleansing deep within Zech 13:1 Titus 3:5-7
The Humbled One exalted high Is 52:13 Phil 2:9
The Seat of Mercy opened wide Lev 16:1-2 Heb 4:14-16
The Temple washing worshiper's feet Zech 6:12-13 John 13:4-10
The Priest who took the victim's seat Ps 110:4 Heb 9:24-5
The Builder nailed inside His home Zech 12:10 John 1:10-11
The Jew who breaks the bonds of Rome Dan 2:44 Col 2:15
The Shepherd led to slaughter's hall Is 53:7 John 10:11
The Son of Man whose silence calls John 12:34 Matt 27:14
The Doctor spreading wounds of health Is 53:4 Matt 8:16-7
The Pearl whose worth is greatest wealth Prov 8:10-1 Matt 13:46
The Husband longing for His bride Is 54:5 Rev 21:2-3?
A Bridegroom pierced upon His side Ps 22:16 John 19:3-4
The Voice of Him who lost his breath Ps 29:3-10 Luke 23:46
The Bread of Life who tasted death John 6:35 Is 53:8/Heb 2:9
The Lion slain before the world Gen 49:9-10 Rev 13:8
The Lamb upon the crib revealed: Gen 22:7-14 John 1:29
The Great I AM, who is and was, Ex 3:14 Rev 1:8
The First and Last, the great Because. Is 48:12-3 Rev 22:13