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Take Your Seat

  • Linda Hoffman
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"And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." (Genesis 2:18)

He sits in his chair in the corner of the room starring off in a distance as she continues to talk. She carries on for quite some time, with many words. This has become a way of life for them, her words, and his silent stare having become second nature to him now.

I have many words, with much to say. It's easy for me to come into a situation, discuss it, and solve it in a quick amount of time. For some reason my words come out clearer and more fervently if the issue is about my husband and I. I'm quick to lay things out, pass blame where I believe it belongs, and solve any dilemma that should come our way.

I found that an early Greek translation of the word quiet is actually, "To take your seat." What a perfect picture of my place in such situations. How opposite of what I usually see.

God created me to be a helpmeet to my husband. In studying this word, I have found it actually means, "To stand in front of as a counterpart and surround with help, to go ahead of." Contrary to what most women may think, this doesn't mean the woman is to lead in any way. A servant would go ahead of their master in order to clear the rocks from the trail that may be a stumbling block as they continue on their way. What a privilege to help my husband have a smoother trail as he continues down the path God has set before him.

I have been given qualities that will fill the weak areas that he may have. With me at his side, he is able to fulfill his calling, his service to our Lord more efficiently. I am to submit to him and his leadership, and if my words are constantly surrounding him, how will he ever be able to lead, and to guide our family.

I desire to be an aroma to my husband. A beautiful scent that will surround his days. My goal is to be a fragrance of our Lord that will encourage him to draw closer to God. My husband will be able to accomplish what God desires for his life in the way God planned, if I will love him, respect him, and take my seat.