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Magazine Article

The End of An Age Is a Time of Distress, But It Is Also Filled with Great Opportunity.

​“There are many people ready to eliminate statism, but they have nothing but wishing to replace it… Either we work to establish a godly order, or we go down into the hell of total statism.” ~ R. J. Rushdoony

  • Chalcedon
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America is drifting further into its greatest social, political, cultural, and economic crises, and only a clear Christian voice proclaiming the message of the Kingdom of God can provide a counter measure.    

The Crisis

If we do not act soon, we will miss a great opportunity for communicating the message of Christian Reconstruction. Social issues are now at the forefront of every political and media discussion, and the once influential Religious Right is all but silent. The Left is gaining ground and America is more comfortable with the idea of socialism. We’ve reached a critical moment in Western civilization.

The Problem

Christians Reconstructionists are effective at criticizing statism, but do we have an alternative to the state’s growing assumption of social responsibilities? For many, they still place their trust in a religious candidate, but we cannot wait any longer for a political solution. We need something more than politics. We need true social reconstruction.

The Solution

We must create and finance alternative institutions and agencies to service social needs. As R. J. Rushdoony once wrote, “Socialism has filled a void vacated by Christians,” and that void is still there. Only Christian Reconstruction can fill it, and only organizations like the Chalcedon Foundation are equipped with the resources and the expertise to reach and teach Christians about their social responsibilities.

The Hope

Has such a thing been done before? Yes, it has. The single greatest act of Christian Reconstruction continues in the Christian education movement of homeschooling families and private Christian schools. It represents a major step in Christians taking back government by way of self-government and providing an alternative means of social responsibility. As you know, Chalcedon played a significant role in this revolution in education, and the time has come to expand this into other spheres of life.

How You Can Help

Chalcedon has led the way in Christian Reconstruction for over 50 years because of the monthly support of their financial contributors—those who understand the mission and are willing to underwrite it. Starting now, you can partner directly with Chalcedon with your regular tax-deductible support of this ministry.

Through publishing, sponsorerd events, and ongoing mentoring services such as the Institutes of Biblical Law Bible Study for Women, Chalcedon is focusing on strengthening key areas of continual Christian education. Your regular support will help this to continue. Get more information about Chalcedon’s mentoring services by writing to [email protected].

What You’ll Receive

The greatest benefit of any giving is the satisfaction of knowing you’re supporting a mission that represents your deepest values and beliefs, but since the mission of Chalcedon is to equip Christians, it’s important that this ministry continues its direct investment in you!

There are three levels of support you can participate in as a Chalcedon Underwriter, and each one is filled with additional benefits including free subscriptions, sizable discounts on books, and more. For a full listing of the levels and benefits, please visit

Round Table Discussions

Chalcedon Underwriters can now participate in the Men’s Round Table Discussion—a live, ongoing, weekly meeting where the treasures of Rushdoony’s lectures, and the application of God’s Word, are hammered out in a way that will better equip you for Christian action. You’ll be able to join each discussion by a live call, or by receiving the recording afterwards. This is an exciting addition for Chalcedon Underwriters, so take a few moments today to sign up as a Chalcedon Underwriter, and we’ll contact you with details about how you can participate in the Round Table Discussion. If you’d like further information now, you can email [email protected].