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Magazine Article

Welcome to the Revolution: The Christian Student Worldview Conference

This summer I spoke at the 1998 Christian Student Worldview Conference held at Christopher Newport University in Hampton, Virginia, the week after July 4.

  • P. Andrew Sandlin
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This summer I spoke at the 1998 Christian Student Worldview Conference held at Christopher Newport University in Hampton, Virginia, the week after July 4. It was hosted by Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church under the capable and unflagging leadership of Byron Snapp and Pete Hurst. The speakers this year were Gary DeMar, George Grant, Gene Veith, Steve Wilkins and Andrew Sandlin. Over 200 high schoolers and college students — home schoolers and Christian day schoolers, the cream of the crop — gathered for four days of intense lectures and some fun on the side.

In a word, the experience was exhilarating. To observe such dedicated, astute, energetic young people giving up a week of summer vacation to expose themselves to in-depth teaching on topics ranging from the Christian's thought life to the philosophy of Nietzsche to the evils of the Greco-Roman world to the defects of post-modernism to essential study habits was simply the most heartening experience I have had in a long time. The cause of the exhilaration cannot be limited to this, however. What I was observing was the boot camp of an entirely new generation of revolutionaries — godly revolutionaries committed not to Marxism, drugs, free sex, or "equality," but to a full-orbed Biblical Faith and the reinstallation of Christian civilization. The revolutionaries of the 60s were public school-educated secularists bent on the destruction of the last vestiges of the Christian social order. The revolutionaries of the 90s are the Christian day school-educated warriors whose knowledge far outstrips most of their peers' and who are dedicated to applying the Faith in every area of life.

If 30 years from today Christians have made significant headway in restoring a Biblical social order, it will be due largely to the effectiveness of instilling the world-conquering Christian vision into youth. Perhaps the Christian Student Worldview Conference of Hampton, Virginia will be just the catalyst to spark the new Christian revolution.

For details about the 1999 conference, contact Byron Snapp at Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church, 403 Whealton Road, Hampton, Virginia 23666; (757) 826-5942, Fax: (757) 825-8543. E-mail: [email protected].

  • P. Andrew Sandlin

P. Andrew Sandlin is a Christian minister, theologian, and author.  He is the founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership in Coulterville, California.  He was formerly president of the National Reform Association and executive vice president of the Chalcedon Foundation.  He is a minister in the Fellowship of Mere Christianity.. He was formerly a pastor at Church of the Word in Painesville, Ohio (1984-1995) and Cornerstone Bible Church in Scotts Valley, California (2004-2014).

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