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What's Missing at the N.O.W. 'Love Your Body Day'?

In their web-site outline of recommendations to members, NOW lists under Body Image Actions that NOWers are to lobby "to add 'size' and 'physical appearance' to local, state and national anti-discrimination legislation."

  • J. Grant Swank, Jr.
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Well, you might have concluded that the fems had thought of everything for their recent Love Your Body Day. After all, they pride themselves on being state-of-the-art when it comes to intelligence and relevancy.

In their web-site outline of recommendations to members, NOW lists under Body Image Actions that NOWers are to lobby "to add 'size' and 'physical appearance' to local, state and national anti-discrimination legislation."

As if we don't already have enough special categories for that consideration! Eventually, no one will be able to be a part of any minority. Really now, can we press one more whatever into the box of "anti-discrimination"?

Further, NOWers are to "put pressure on companies that discriminate against fat people. . ."

With that, members are to "picket beauty pageants." And "throw away or burn. . .bathroom scales, diet books, tapes or videos, calorie counters, tape measurers, make-up, high heels, one-size-fits-all clothing, advertising that objectifies women, etc."

So there you have it, fems. Get as fat as you want and run for NOW president, though of course obesity is broadcast daily as a major problem in our nation. So, dare we ask: What's wrong with the NOW picture?

Now if that's not enough, NOW champions organizing an annual International No-Diet Day Action. Plus: NOWers are to "lobby the Food and Drug Administration to control. . .the diet industry."

But there's more: NOWers urge members to "picket shoe manufacturers and shoe stores. . .Poorly designed shoes" are a major national problem.

So are the "large size women's clothing stores that actually don't carry sizes above those of regular department stores." NOWers are to picket those stores.

Further, along with this goes NOW fighting accessibility problems. That is, "large-sized people are discriminated against because of seating in restaurants and theaters, on airplanes and other forms of public transportation, and because of turnstiles that prohibit."

Naturally, the bottom line to all this is strongly accented at the close of the NOW mandate. It simply reads: "Stop dieting, avoid participating in the diet culture."

So that's the extent of Love Your Body as far as NOW defines the precious temple Creator God has given us for this earthly sojourn.

Understandably, sizing up one's body solely in secular terms yields nothing more than NOW's earth-bound agenda. How sad, for when one realizes that the body is a God-presented gift to be cared for, nurtured and regarded as the temple of God, then the love for that body is defined in terms of holiness.

Surely then, realizing the human frame as a holy entity, one of the prime accents for a female body is hallowing any pregnancy therein with care and thanksgiving.

Yet unfortunately that primary accent is consistently missing from any recommendations list of the National Organization of Women.

  • J. Grant Swank, Jr.
More by J. Grant Swank, Jr.