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Education and Dominion: Dominion over Learning [Part 4/4] Ep. 247 (guest Cathey Brown)

In Part 4 of this concluding Out of the Question Podcast episode on Education and Dominion, Cathey Brown outlines an educational plan that can not only be useful for home educators for a grammar school through high school and beyond approach, but also for anyone who came to faith later in life and wishes to solidify a biblical world and life view.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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In Part 4 of this concluding Out of the Question Podcast episode on Education and Dominion, Cathey Brown outlines an educational plan that can not only be useful for home educators for a grammar school through high school and beyond approach, but also for anyone who came to faith later in life and wishes to solidify a biblical world and life view.