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OOTQ Becky
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Where Can Victims of Human Trafficking Find Hope? Ep. 228 (guest Becky Rasmussen)

Sex and labor trafficking are ubiquitous, right under our noses. Yet, few people can recognize it or know what to do if they suspect someone is trapped in that situation. In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, the founder of Call to Freedom shares the work of the organization, as does Mary, an "overcomer," who uses her experience and faith to assist others.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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Sex and labor trafficking are ubiquitous, right under our noses. Yet, few people can recognize it or know what to do if they suspect someone is trapped in that situation. In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, the founder of Call to Freedom shares the work of the organization, as does Mary, an "overcomer," who uses her experience and faith to assist others.