IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity
Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child’s moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Learn the history and philosophy of public school education — and discover it is based on neither Christian nor American values. Explore the biblical principles regarding education — and who is ultimately responsible for our children’s future.
- Colin Gunn
Why a growing number of parents choose not to send their children to public school.
The companion book to the award-winning documentary “IndoctrinNation”, this eye-opening book includes:
- An unforgettable introduction by a father who lost his son in the Columbine school massacre — “I put him in a pagan school where they teach there is no God.”
- 12 common reasons people give not to homeschool — and the manageable reality of this educational alternative
- Revealing, firsthand accounts of Christian educators working in public schools — sharing the struggles they face in a hostile system
- The classroom anti-Christian ideologies from humanism, marxism, utopianism, educational psychology, and more confronting students in public schools today
Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child’s moral values, worldview, and religious beliefs. Learn the history and philosophy of public school education — and discover it is based on neither Christian nor American values. Explore the biblical principles regarding education — and who is ultimately responsible for our children’s future.
- Colin Gunn
Colin is an award-winning writer/director/producer, accomplished animator and podcaster. His previous films include Shaky Town, a film about San Francisco homosexual politics and The Monstrous Regiment of Women a documentary about the harmful effects of feminism. He most recently co-directed/wrote and produced the Documentaries IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America and Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture. He also acted as executive producer of Act Like Men: A Titanic Lesson in Manliness. He recently completed a new feature length documentary on American healthcare called 'Wait Till It's Free!'
Originally from Hamilton Scotland, Colin Lives in Texas with his wife and 9 children.