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Q & A with Martin Selbrede #57 (November 11, 2018)

11/11/18 Q & A Session with Martin Selbrede covering a variety of questions sent in by listeners and asked live on Facebook.

Martin G. Selbrede
  • Martin G. Selbrede
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00:00:46 - Rushdoony on the covenant of works.

00:10:36 - How do we handle doing business with someone who has committed a capital offense in Biblical terms but was not properly punished by the state?

00:20:55 - Joel McDurmon’s capital punishment theses.

00:22:47 - Can we derive authoritative behavioral direction from Biblical narrative?

00:29:31 - If all our sin is cast into the sea of forgetfulness, how then are they used at the final judgment?

00:30:33 - How do we keep people involved politically after an election?

00:39:18 - Are their dangers to overemphasizing health?

00:49:25 - Is their a theology (or resources) for the euthanization of animals?

00:57:27 - Comments on Protestants moving to Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

Martin G. Selbrede
  • Martin G. Selbrede

Martin is the senior researcher for Chalcedon’s ongoing work of Christian scholarship, along with being the senior editor for Chalcedon’s publications, Arise & Build and The Chalcedon Report. He is considered a foremost expert in the thinking of R.J. Rushdoony. A sought-after speaker, Martin travels extensively and lectures on behalf of Christian Reconstruction and the Chalcedon Foundation. He is also an accomplished musician and composer.

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