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Chalcedon is a Christian education organization devoted to research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be "reconstructed" according to God's revealed will in Scripture.

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Ocean Time

Ocean of Time (Bell Mountain, 15)

Durmurot, Obann's city by the sea: peaceful, harmless, prosperous-and defenseless. The Winged Bull, tyrant of the West, has launched his vast fleet of warships straight at Durmurot. In the name of his Heathen god, he has swallowed up the western nations. Now, he'll cross the ocean, and the blow will fall on Durmurot. But Obann has acquired a weapon from the distant past-a weapon with unknown powers, left over from a civilization that was destroyed a thousand years ago. Dare King Ryons and his chieftains use it? And time is running out...

Lee Duigon
  • Lee Duigon
OOTQ Andrea Charles copy
audio track

Is America Being Disinherited by God? Ep. 308

God is never pleased with superficial adherence to His commands. Too many focus on their personal salvation rather than living daily in covenant faithfulness to God and His covenant law. Biblical history tells us there comes a time of judgment. Are we there?

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
  • , More…
I Stock 1014796596

The Predetermined Life of Man

Man is a creature made by God, who lives in a world created by God, and whose nature and whose world are totally governed by God and His law. The total environment of man is God and His law-word.

R. J. Rushdoony
  • R. J. Rushdoony
magazine article

Ambassadors for Christ: Carrying Forward the Legacy of Christian Reconstruction

We represent His Kingdom and His authority. If we reject His law, we cannot be His true ambassadors. By disobeying or teaching others to disregard His law, we undermine His Kingdom.

Mark R. Rushdoony
  • Mark R. Rushdoony

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