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From Generation to Generation

Singer/songwriter/recording artist, Judy Rogers,​ joined in a master class with young people sharing her 30+ years of reaching families with singable, memorable songs designed to teach Scripture and its application.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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One of the most valuable interactions with adults and young people involves the transmission of wisdom, from one generation to the next. As part of this effort, the Chalcedon Virtual Master Class Series has as its purpose, to bring together individuals who have distinguished themselves in a particular area to further the Kingdom of God and share it with the young.  The online format makes it possible for those in diverse places to engage in learning from mature, experienced believers who have made their mark in a specific area.

Most recently, singer/songwriter/recording artist Judy Rogers joined in a master class with young people sharing her 30+ years of reaching families with singable, memorable songs designed to teach Scripture and its application.

Throughout the class, Judy highlighted particular songs and how and why she crafted them the way she did.  This is sure to be a blessing to any young person aspiring to use his/her musical gifts in service the Kingdom of God.
