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It's Time to Get to Work

Only God knows if He will be merciful to our nation by restoring the principles of liberty, or if He will allow us to plummet into a prolonged dark age.

Chalcedon Editorial
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History has never been dominated by majorities, but only by dedicated minorities who stand unconditionally on their faith. (Rousas J. Rushdoony)

In this year's presidential election, we are seeing the emergence of dedicated minorities who are standing unconditionally on their principles.  They come from the ranks of homeschoolers, disenfranchised conservatives, Austrian economists, and Biblical Christians. Only God knows if He will be merciful to our nation by restoring the principles of liberty, or if He will allow us to plummet into a prolonged dark age. 

Let's not waste this election cycle by only promoting a political candidate without also promoting the profound Biblical truth that law and liberty go hand-in-hand. In fact, without God's law, there is no true freedom. We must commit ourselves to teaching that God's law was and must again become the bedrock of the American republic. Without God's law, we will lose the republic that protects our freedom.

Thankfully, R. J. Rushdoony left a legacy of work that helps us understand these foundational truths.  Books like Law & Liberty (study guide available), along with This Independent Republic, The Nature of the American System, and Christianity and the State are fundamental titles to include in any serious study of the issues we face today.  So are his CD series:  The United States Constitution and Economics, Money and Hope.(1) What would it be like if supporters of the  "liberty" candidate started study groups using these materials to educate those who are fed-up with the status-quo? These materials provide solid, foundational principles that will see our nation through the restoration process.

Make no mistake about it, even if we see victory in this election cycle, there will be much work to be done.  Decades of entitlements, welfarism, socialism, and apostasy will take time to reverse.  In many ways, our work will have just begun.  The question is: Are we in this for the long-haul, or just to declare victory in November?  Our goal must be to actively share our message in such a way that the future will not depend on individual candidates, but on a principled, Biblically faithful people.

Rushdoony stated, "God's determination of history is plainly described in His law.  If we believe and obey, then we are blessed and we prosper in Him; if we deny Him and disobey His law, we are cursed and confounded."(2)  

It's time to prepare for the long-haul.  Let's make use of the excellent opportunity we've been given. 


 1. All are available to read or listen to at no charge by going to

 2. RJ Rushdoony, God's Plan For Victory (Vallecito, CA:Ross House Books, 1977, 1997), 40.