Summer Appeal
During the summer months regular financian support wanes, but the work of the Kingdom does not. We prayerfully ask you to consider an offering to help us push through these leaner months.
If you would like to give a recurring monthly please select the Underwriter Donation or General Donation below (please put summer in the comment section).
International donors, if you want your donation to be in US dollars please select that option next to the other amount field. Do not use pre-selected amount options.
The Psalmist wrote, “The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice” (Ps. 97:1), but men do not rejoice over that fact. Instead, “the heathen rage” (Ps. 2:1) because for them the Lordship of Christ abolishes their own lordship, and this is why the mission and message of the Chalcedon Foundation is both needed and criticized. We proclaim and work for Christ’s reign over all things, and this is an offense to those within and without the church.
I know you’re only reading this letter because you share the very same mission and message. I know you believe as I do that until we restore the spiritual capital of faith and character, we can only anticipate a continued decline within the social order. This is why we labor so tirelessly, and it’s why I’m grateful for your partnership in this great mission.
When I look back over the 59 year history of Chalcedon, the one constant is faithfulness. My father was faithful. His supporters were faithful. I strive to be faithful, and I know you do the same. It’s all we can do when you have a message that so many reject yet they so desperately need.
The approach we take at Chalcedon is day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year; and every one of them count. Our Lord teaches us to redeem the time because the days are evil (Eph. 5:16), and that means taking back for Christ and His Kingdom all the usurpations taken by sin and the powers of darkness. We can never take our eye off the ball because the battle for history is truly a battle of inches.
That’s why I’m writing to you today. It’s because months matter, and particularly the summer months when regular financial support wanes, but the work of the Kingdom does not. I want to ask you to prayerfully consider sending a special tax-deductible offering as soon as you can to help us push through these leaner months. Every dollar counts, so please do what you can to partner with us in support of our mutual mission to equip God’s people to advance His Kingdom!
Thank you and may God’s blessings be yours.
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Other Ways to Donate

Underwriter Donation
Our Underwriter help us with operating costs and help us to plan just what projects we can take on. Become an Underwriter and enjoy some special benefits (see below).

General Donation
Single donation or recurring. Either way your donations help us continuously to expand God's Kingdom. Through books, articles, podcasts and more. Your donations help us to spread God's Word.

PayPal Giving Fund
You asked and we are answering. PayPal Giving Fund gives you a way to donate via PayPal without any of the fees.

Want to be an Underwriter?
Our Underwriters benefit from some perks with their donor accounts.