Year-End Donation
More than 60 years ago, my father, R. J. Rushdoony, could foresee a coming end to the age of humanism, and he established the Chalcedon Foundation as a “counter-measure” to the city of man. Since 1965, Chalcedon has labored faithfully to develop, publish, and promote the only solution to a dying age: the work of Christian Reconstruction. This is why we continue in our Kingdom-centered mission, and it’s why we need your continual prayers and financial support to help us. Next year is our 60th anniversary, and we’ve come this far because of the assistance of faithful Christians like you.
Bad news sells, they say, and that is certainly true within modern Christian circles as doomsday preachers view times of crisis as evidence of the end of all things and the return of Christ. Such teaching sells books—and gets “views” on the internet—but the layperson forgets the failed predictions of the past, and therefore, very few are building for a Christian future. That is not the case with Chalcedon, and I’m sure that’s not the case with you.
Are we at the end of an age? I believe we are witnessing the collapse of humanism, and that was something long predicted by my father, although it wasn’t a prophecy. He could clearly see where humanistic thinking was leading, and he could foresee a collapse because modern humanistic society was based upon the stability, prosperity, and morality of centuries of Christian civilization.
Since modern man worked tirelessly to both spend that “spiritual capital” as well as war against Christian culture, the end result is a destruction of the foundation upon which our society was built. The collapse is now evident, and the ensuing years will reveal more decline, but that again is something we welcome.
Whereas most Christians view eschatology as an end time, we teach that eschatology is an ongoing aspect of history where there are many “end points” to nations and ages.
Our depleted spiritual capital is revealing the inherent weakness of humanism, but this only marks the end of an era built upon it and not the end of history itself. Therefore, if an era is in decline, shouldn’t we as Christians be on the rise? Shouldn’t Christians make preparation for the next season to come? Surely, it’s past time that we arise and build!
As always, we rely on your financial support, and I hope you’ll continue to stand with Chalcedon during these tumultuous times.
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