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Magazine Article

A Report on the West-Coast Christian Worldview Conference 2000

The first annual West-Coast Christian Worldview Conference (WCWC) went off with a bang. It was definitely a harbinger of bigger and better events to come. Rev. P. Andrew Sandlin and Rev. Monte Wilson, III delivered awesome and inspirational speeches to a group of committed young people.

  • Zachariah Rousas Wagner
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The first annual West-Coast Christian Worldview Conference (WCWC) went off with a bang. It was definitely a harbinger of bigger and better events to come. Rev. P. Andrew Sandlin and Rev. Monte Wilson, III delivered awesome and inspirational speeches to a group of committed young people. God is beginning something great in the heart of California. Let us all pray this work continues to grow and press on toward the goal of building up the kingdom.

Rev. Sandlin gave three speeches that created more than a little scandal and seat squirming. After delivering an expert definition of a Christian worldview and its importance, Rev. Sandlin described the Biblical qualifications for leadership. Finally, someone has offered an outline for young people to look to when considering the calling of leadership! While not ignoring the need for adults to learn what leadership is and what the Bible says about it, we also must make certain the future generation of leaders understand their calling. Rev. Sandlin handled this issue swimmingly. He also dispelled all this nonsense about churches (or anything else) being led by rebellious and bossy women. This was met with a hearty amen by one student amidst an unusually quiet room.

The distinguished and venerable Rev. Sandlin also splendidly defined the relationship of law and grace to a group of people unfamiliar with this issue. If the students did not consider a need for the Old Testament law before, they certainly did after Rev. Sandlin's speech. He ended the conference with, "Young Radicals for Jesus Christ," an inspired call for young Christians to stand up and take heaven by storm. After such a sober call to our young people, we can expect much good to be done for the kingdom.

Rev. Monte Wilson, III, a hearty and enthusiastic speaker, delivered wonderfully passionate appeals for unity, in brotherly love, among the various Christian traditions. It is very important that this point be stressed to the future generations of Christians. This conference attracted people from most of the traditions that hold, at least somewhat, to Biblical orthodoxy. Thus, Rev. Wilson's speech was strategically given so that students could make application immediately. He also outlined how Reformed Christians rarely wish to associate with such traditions, and pointed out their need to get over this. He also gave examples from his colorful life. While denouncing inaction and unwillingness to fight, he explained the need for orthodoxy mixed with activism.

Mr. Joe Brandi of Church of the King, Santa Cruz, CA gave a thrilling presentation of that congregation's great ministry on the campus of the University of California Santa Cruz. Mr. Brandi's presentation was truly one of the highlights of this conference, and his students' accounts of their opportunities to minister on campus were inspiring. God is working mightily through these young Christians. We can expect much good to come from the congregation of Church of the King, Santa Cruz.

The WCWC 2000 was certainly a great start to the war against humanism and unbelief in California and the entire Western U.S.A. California, specifically the Silicon Valley of California, is a strategic point that committed, orthodox Christians need to hold on to. This center of technology lies all around the location of this conference. Except for bastions like the Chalcedon Foundation and the Southern California Center for Christian Studies, California has little to offer the kingdom. We hope to bring about a needed revival here in this large and important state.

Preparations for the 2001 WCWC are well under way. People from many areas are beginning to realize the potential of and need for such conferences. Many lives have been changed at such conferences like the Christian Worldview Student Conference in Hampton, Virginia. Many more lives will be changed and must be changed by the WCWC if the kingdom is to survive the onslaught from the sodomites, feminists, and religious liberals. Mark August 6th through August 11, 2001 on your calendars, and be sure to make plans to attend this monumental event. Students and adult counselors are greatly needed to continue this ministry. To learn how you can help, please contact me!

Tapes of the WCWC 2000 are available by contacting Mr. Wagner via e-mail or phone (408) 866-5607. The cost of $30.00 per set includes shipping.

  • Zachariah Rousas Wagner

Mr. Zachariah Rousas Wagner is a Reformed Presbyterian of the Reconstructionist persuasion. He is a Southerner at heart, remaining hopeful the South shall rise again. He is a member of Reformed Heritage Church, San Jose, CA. He is also a student at Whitefield College of Florida. He may be contacted at [email protected].

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