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Letter to the Editor

Thanks for sending me your book "A Postmillennial Primer" #2. As Reformed Dutchman I grew up in a-mill surroundings. However, it was different from so much defeatist evangelical theology of today. For Kuyper taught us that all of human endeavor must be under the rule of Christ.

  • Chalcedon
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Thanks for sending me your book "A Postmillennial Primer" #2. As Reformed Dutchman I grew up in a-mill surroundings. However, it was different from so much defeatist evangelical theology of today. For Kuyper taught us that all of human endeavor must be under the rule of Christ.

After being immersed in Theonomy for many years, I think I can now say that I am post-mill. Part of that immersion was listening to tapes by Dr. F.N. Lee about "The Eschatology of Victory," very good.

It must be 35 years ago that I read Dr. J. R. Rushdoony’s little book, "Cast your Bread Upon the Waters." Since that time I have read much about Reconstructionism. After spending my young years in Holland where at our young people society we were steeped in the Bible and Kuyper, theonomy is not something entirely new. Especially when I translated the book "The Wonders of the Most High" by Abraham van de Velde who lived 1614-1677, I became aware that what the Church has taught for many years is not exactly the doctrine of the Reformation. The book, as the title suggests, is about history, Dutch history from approximately 1550-1675.

Knowing this, you can imagine how I rejoiced when I read about "The Diversion of the Church" on page 43 of your "A Postmillennial Primer."

Enclosed you will find a few pages I translated. These were written by a Reformed pastor who lived in Holland and was also post-mill. As a rule these people and their views were not appreciated.

I thought to let you know these few things. Keep up the good work! The Chalcedon Report is very good. I enjoy reading every issue.

Gilberta Zekveld