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Magazine Article

The Chalcedon Signature: Conquering Culture for Christ

Conquering culture for Christ is not the task of our generation alone nor any single generation. It is the work of every generation. Nor will any one generation complete the task. Yet each generation's work is foundational and preparatory for the next, as they inscribe "The Chalcedon Signature" upon their own time. That continuity of effectiveness is the beauty of an optimistic eschatology.

  • C. L. "Smoky" Stover
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SIGNATURE [Fr. From L. signo, to sign]: A distinctive identifying feature of the work of a particular entity.

CHALCEDON [kal see don, established 1964]: A Christian ministry working for godly cultural change across the entire spectrum of life.

Conquering Culture for Christ, that is our "The Chalcedon Signature," a distinctive identifying feature of Chalcedon's ministry. Scripture's mandate and Chalcedon's stated purpose require the perpetuation of that signature in the way of a continual conquering of culture for Christ.

A Multi-Generation Task
Conquering culture for Christ is not the task of our generation alone nor any single generation. It is the work of every generation. Nor will any one generation complete the task. Yet each generation's work is foundational and preparatory for the next, as they inscribe "The Chalcedon Signature" upon their own time. That continuity of effectiveness is the beauty of an optimistic eschatology.

So, I write now, not of the tactics by which the mission is accomplished, but of the financing of the mission an expected concern for Chalcedon's Treasurer. I write now, not just out of concern that immediate needs are met. I write because so many of us can, in the way of family wealth counseling, learn techniques which enable us in our own generation to lay the financial foundation by which the next generation in an even greater way can inscribe "The Chalcedon Signature" upon their own time.

They Just Didn't Know
Chalcedon's part in conquering culture for Christ is not limited by lack of opportunity. The opportunities are many. However, to move into these opportunities requires staff, facilities, equipment, etc., which in turn requires financial resources. The generations before us could have helped supply these resources, but they just didn't know. They didn't know they could give to Chalcedon instead of the taxman. They didn't know they could employ financial vehicles to avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated stock and other assets or to see their investments grow tax free, or avoid estate taxes. They did not know about establishing family foundations with charitable ideals or how to pass the full value of their estate to their children without paying estate taxes or how to support numerous charitable organizations and causes while preserving wealth for their family in the process or that even simple preparations would have kept the state from receiving much of their assets. They just did not know. Had they known, Chalcedon could today be involved in many areas of effective ministry now untouched because of a lack of resources. But now you do know.

The Chalcedon Signature
That is why "The Chalcedon Signature." "The Chalcedon Signature" is an ongoing educational project designed to help you know, to know about covenant family wealth creation, preservation and transfer. We solicit your participation in "The Chalcedon Signature." Consider a referral for family wealth counseling to discuss your family's long-term financial goals. Participate in Conquering Culture for Christ.

  • C. L. "Smoky" Stover

Rev. C. L. "Smoky" Stover, long-time pastor of Reformed Heritage Church, Modesto, CA, served as a Trustee of the Chalcedon Foundation and the Foundation's Secretary-Treasurer. 

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