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Sex ed

When "Sex Education" Turns into Pornography

The content and the conduct of a sex educators' conference, indicates that soon it will become impossible to distinguish between out-and-out pornography and "comprehensive sex education." Indeed, the difference has already been erased.

Lee Duigon
  • Lee Duigon
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"The real horror of pornography is its positive declaration of a new moral ethic ... Increasingly taxed and regulated, modern man sees sexual license as his essential freedom."1 -Mark Rushdoony

Why use a quote about pornography to introduce an article about a sex educators' conference?

Because, given the content and the conduct of this particular conference, it seems likely that soon it will become impossible to distinguish between out-and-out pornography and "comprehensive sex education." Indeed, the difference has already been erased.

This is not hyperbole. We are talking about a public school sex educators' conference held in New Jersey on November 18-19, 2010. As sources we have the conference's official program and the detailed report of an eyewitness who attended it. We have been asked not to reveal the witness's identity, and have honored that request.

To report on such things is difficult. Although it is the stated intension of some 300 "experts" at the conference to bring this "educational material" into all the public schools, there are still innumerable Christian parents who refuse to believe such things and who still send their children to those schools five days a week. There-in some schools already, and in all of them soon, if the "educators" have their way-Christian children will be repeatedly exposed, by authority figures in a classroom, to very powerful pornography. Even if parents exercise their "opt out" rights, as provided for in New Jersey and some other states, the Christian children who were opted out will still be talking to the other children who were opted in.

It is the educators' intention to teach and advocate for a wide assortment of perverse sexual practices. This is not an accusation, but a fact.

Under Government Protection

How do we write about this trash without being accused of writing smut? This is a Christian publication, with a Christian readership. Even to provide links to the conference's website might offend some readers.

Attorney Richard Collier is submitting information about the conference to various New Jersey legislators and officials, in hopes that they might take some action against this so-called educational program.

"It's unbelievable," he told Chalcedon, "some of the trash that's being brought into these schools." Abstinence-only education is still the law in New Jersey, he added, but that doesn't stop sex educators from ignoring or circumventing it. On one occasion, he recalled, he had to threaten to sue the Princeton Board of Education before it would disclose any of the materials it was using in the classroom.2

"Some of our legislators are cowed by the so-called expertise of these people," Collier said. "The only way these people get away with this is, they're doing it under government's protection."

Again, this is not hyperbole. The conference's program includes a congratulatory letter from U. S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (Democrat, NJ). Lautenberg wrote:

"As your United State Senator, I have been a strong advocate in Washington for effective sex education programs ... I have introduced a bill on comprehensive sex education, the Responsible Education About Life (REAL) Act, which helped shape the evidence-based sex education program in the health reform law. In September, I introduced legislation that would divert $250 million in federal funding for abstinence-only-until-marriage education programs to programs that educate adolescents in both abstinence and contraception ... Please be reassured I will continue to champion this issue ... " [emphasis added]

For the reader's information, "comprehensive sex education" and "evidence-based sex education" are euphemisms for the kind of "education" proposed at the conference.

It will be distasteful both to read and write about the kind of "education" championed by Mr. Lautenberg. We hope our readers will believe our report.

The Keynote Speakers

The conference, organized by Planned Parenthood and its oddly-named Center for Family Life Education, was sponsored by the American Institute of Bisexuality-is that what they mean by "family life"?-and manufacturers of various sex toys and accessories. The source of this information is the conference's official website.

They keynote speaker was Dr. Paul Joannides, author of The Guide to Getting It On-a sex education manual that describes and graphically illustrates practices that many of us probably didn't know existed, and for which the ordinary English language has no words. We have decided not to provide a link to this book. It has been "assigned in college sex-ed courses across the country," according to Susie Wilson of the New Jersey Newsroom.3 It is hard to imagine any book more purposely designed to corrupt the morals of young people. As an example of Joannides' tone, let this quote suffice: "[F]or middle schools and high school students, sex education is usually not sex education at all. Instead, it is sex prevention-with the occasional ovary, testicle, and sanitary napkin thrown in to make it sound like sex education. Today's sex education is no more about the sexuality that teens and preteens are trying to cope with than creationism is about biology,"4 and so on.

The second keynote speaker, Dr. Eva Goldfarb of Montclair State University, New Jersey, earned a standing ovation by telling the audience, "I'm not sure anymore that we should be making the delay of sex a focus for our work with adolescents." She then (honest!) broke into a song entitled "Sodomy," the lyrics of which shall not be repeated here.

"These people look and act normal," said our eyewitness, "until something really outrageous is said-then they stand up and cheer."

Let's see what some of the stuff was that they were cheering for.

"Healthy Endings"

Our witness attended a function called "Healthy Endings: A Workshop in Anal Health and Sexual Safety." We ask the readers' pardon for the language we must use to describe this. It is necessary to do so because the public must be made aware of what is being done, or is about to be done, in America's public schools.

"They tell you children are sexual from birth," our witness said. "So, if they can get children as young as kindergarten involved in anal sex, then they have produced for themselves sexual consumers of their various products and services. It's all about the money. They're also promoting an agenda that is totally foreign to parents in America, but profitable to themselves."

The workshop, said the witness, "featured ‘butt plugs'-a sex toy with a flared base designed for anal penetration, primarily used to stretch and relax the anus in preparation for larger items-a life-size anal puppet that included ten inches of a clear rectal cavity, and finger cots used for ‘anal play.' Detailed instruction was given on the pleasure of anal sex, the importance of lubrication with insertion and withdrawal, and how to ‘safely and pleasurably engage in receptive anal play with larger-size toys.'" The witness is quoting from material handed out during the workshop.

"Larger-size toys?" What are they talking about? Why would anybody want to do this? But the thing to remember is that these were "sex educators" discussing activities which they planned to recommend to children.

"The worst thing I saw, the whole time I was there, was the presentation for the butt plugs," said the witness. And we will let it go at that.

In the conference's papers, provided by our witness or else available on the conference's website, we find everywhere an assumption that young children are going to be involved in the kinds of sex most commonly associated with debauched Roman emperors. For instance: "Adolescent [emphasis added] reported condom use during anal sex decreases in long-term relationships with main partners as compared with casual partners and with repeat partners." This is from a workshop handout entitled, "The Bottom Line: Answer Key."

What kind of "adolescents" are these, who have "main partners" as well as "casual partners" and "repeat partners"?

Answer: the kind of adolescents which the "educators" intended to emerge from their comprehensive program. This is the kind of adolescent which they plan to teach your child to become.

Are Your Children Still in Public School?

"The conference was not focused on long-term health goals for teens," our witness said. "Topics such as protecting from sexual disease and avoiding teen pregnancy by exercising self-control and delaying gratification were not on the agenda. It was more of a pep rally promoting sexual pleasure."

Well, why should anybody be surprised? Over the years, "sex educators" have grown increasingly brazen in their campaign to corrupt teenagers and younger children, all under the aegis of public education. Their hard sell for anal sex reveals both their determination to overthrow and replace Christian morality and the family, and their stark separation of sex from its procreative purpose: indeed, they desire to frustrate procreation-except, of course, if it can lead to an abortion. We must not forget that this conference was organized and operated by Planned Parenthood.

We say the public schools are too far gone to be reformed; that the anti-Christian teachers' unions are immovably entrenched against reform; that public schooling in and of itself-with its emphasis on strict age-group peer sorting, secular humanist instruction and progressive exclusion of Christianity, and its replacement of the family as the child's main social focus-is, has always been, and always will be no place for Christian children; and that your Christian children must be educated at home or in a Christian school.

If your local public school is not already teaching the kinds of things presented at this conference, be assured the "educators" have every intention of bringing them in as soon as possible. Heed the warning of the Bible: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues" (Revelation 18:4).

1. From his introduction to Noble Savages by R. J. Rushdoony (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, [1976] 2005), pp. ii and vi.

2. Ten years ago, when I was teaching at a local high school, I discovered that there was a rule against bringing the sex education textbooks home: in fact, they couldn't even be taken out of the classroom. This, of course, was so that the students' parents would never see them.


4. Warning: This passage is from Joannides' blog, and contains graphic language salted with blasphemy.

Lee Duigon
  • Lee Duigon

Lee is the author of the Bell Mountain Series of novels and a contributing editor for our Faith for All of Life magazine. Lee provides commentary on cultural trends and relevant issues to Christians, along with providing cogent book and media reviews.

Lee has his own blog at

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