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Christians as a Governing Class

In this Roundtable Easy Chair Podcast (1/12/17), Mark Rushdoony discusses the concept of Christians assuming their role in all facets of government, beginning with self-government.

  • Mark Rushdoony ,
  • Chris Zimmerman ,
  • Ford Schwartz
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In this Roundtable Easy Chair Podcast (1/12/17), Mark Rushdoony discusses the concept of Christians assuming their role in all facets of government, beginning with self-government.

  • Mark Rushdoony

Mark succeeded his father, R. J. Rushdoony, as President of Chalcedon in 1998. He oversees Chalcedon's publishing arm of Christian Reconstruction literature, under the banner of Chalcedon/Ross House books and Storehouse Press.  Mark has ensured that his father's works remain in print and remains committed to publishing the remaining unpublished works. He manages the Chalcedon ministry and preaches at Chalcedon Chapel in Vallecito, CA.

More by Mark Rushdoony
  • Chris Zimmerman

Chris Zimmerman is a Chalcedon Underwriter and resides in Nevada, with his wife and family. He works for an airline in the I.T. department. He is also the co-host of the weekly Men's Roundtable online Bible study.

More by Chris Zimmerman
  • Ford Schwartz

Ford Schwartz lives in San Jose, CA and works as a sales manager at a car dealership. He is on the Board of Chalcedon. He and his wife, Andrea, have been married for 41 years and have 3 children. 

More by Ford Schwartz