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OOTQ Klessig
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Is “Brain Death” a Convenient Fallacy? Ep 261 (guest Heidi Klessig, M.D.)

In the 1960s, death itself was “redefined” to justify harvesting valued organs such as a heart or lungs while the patient was still alive. One could now be declared “brain dead” while their organs were still functional, but is brain death death? Dr. Heidi Klessig’s new book “The Brain Death Fallacy” seeks an answer.

Andrea G. Schwartz
  • Andrea G. Schwartz
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In the 1960s, death itself was “redefined” to justify harvesting valued organs such as a heart or lungs while the patient was still alive. One could now be declared “brain dead” while their organs were still functional, but is brain death death? Dr. Heidi Klessig’s new book The Brain Death Fallacy seeks an answer.